Friday, November 29, 2013

Continue to be Thankful!

The day before Thanksgiving Day, I got a call from a distraught mother. She requested that I go visit her son who is on a suicide watch at the jail. I did. That evening I picked up my kids from the gym and we drove to pickup a few movies for the holiday. As we drove the snow fell gently and we listened to our favorite Christmas song (Little Drummer Boy). I knew Jody was home warming up some good food for supper that night. As I relaxed behind the wheel I was truly, truly thankful for what I had at that moment, my family, this country, a job.... I knew given the call that I received earlier that day that what we take for granted, for example our family, might not be there always. True thanksgiving is to recognize as precious what we take for granted everyday, and to give thanks to God for loaning us those those precious people, those precious things and those precious moments. Therefore let us continue to be thankful.  

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