Saturday, October 12, 2013


Theologian Michael Gorman makes an interesting observation as he reflects on 2Corinthians 11:30-33. Here Paul boasts about his weakness in Christ as opposed to worldly boasting about power. And in verses 32-33 he tells his story of escape. When King Aretas guarded the city to capture him, he was let down through a window in the wall. Gorman points out, "One of the great glories of Roman battle was to be the first to climb the enemy's city wall and thereby enter the city. Such courage was rewarded with a golden crown, the "corona muralis" or "crown for the wall." In a stunning reversal of values, Paul claims that he has experienced the power of God in the weakness of going down the wall. This is, for him, a kind of corona muralis (Apostle of the Crucified Lord, 327)." Makes me wonder, as a Christian am I as counter-cultural as Paul? Does my boasting point to a reversal of my cultural values or conformity to them?  Do I boast about the number of people attending my Church or do I take pride in how much my Church is living sacrificially for others for Christ?  

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