Friday, October 11, 2013


New Testament scholar James Dunn describes the Christian life as one lived out in the tension between the old age (age marked by sin/ age before Christ) that is not completely gone and the new age ( age in which Christ reigns/ age marked by righteousness) completely arrived.  This tension is expressed in terms of flesh and Spirit (Rom 7:14-8:17), death and life (Rom 8:10-11), suffering and glorification (Rom 8:17). No wonder Christians are accused of hypocrisy! Without excusing any of it, may be at times hypocrisy itself is a product of that tension. While proclaiming the high and holy standards of God a Christian being human might fail to live up to it all the time. As a result a Christian might run the risk of being called a hypocrite. But as a Christian I would rather risk being called a hypocrite than be a well adjusted sinner before God!

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