Monday, October 14, 2013


We know that often a lack of healthy communication is the cause of breakdown of a relationship such as a marriage or a parent-child relationship. Counselors tell us that a healthy relationship whether between spouses or between a child and a parent should have a strong foundation of regular communication. Communication is also important for healthy development. That is why, for example, many TV advertisements on teenage alcoholism and drug addictions keep repeating the same mantra: take time talk to your children. Communication is important for a healthy relationship and healthy development. The same is true of our relationship with God. At the heart of that relationship lies also a need for constant communication called prayer in which we take time to listen to God as well as speak our hearts to Him. How healthy our relationship with God is dependent upon the communication we have with Him on a daily or weekly basis. And how healthy our development as Christians is also dependent on our prayer life.

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